Accounting Positions - Candidate Information
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(You must complete all answers to be considered)
Candidate Information
Date: 1/10/2025
State Zip Code
Telephone (with Area Code)
E-mail Address
Position Requested
Store Postion
Job Type
How did you hear about us?
Salary Requirements
Please enter your desired hourly rate.
Do you have Administrative Experience?
Yes No
Do you have Clerical Experience?
Yes No
Do you have MS Excel Experience?
Yes No
If Yes, Please rate your Excel skill level:
General Basic Novice Skilled Expert
Do you have Filing experence?
Yes No
Do you have 10-Key Experience?
Yes No
Do you have Accounts Payable Experience?
Yes No
Please check the shifts you can work: Check all that apply
Days Nights Weekends After School
Are you currently employed?
Yes No
How many Employees do you PERSONALLY process in Payroll?
Under 20 21-50 51-100 101-150 151-300
How many years PAYROLL EXPERIENCE due you have?
How many jobs have you had in the last 5 years?
1 2 3 4 5+
If hired, when would you be available for work?
In days
Quick Overview or Resume
Please tell us about your work experence and skills or Copy and Paste or resume below:
TEXT or HTML formats only HTML Preferred.